Infos vom Prelive Event


    More Information - Updated All The Time!


    * Retrying guildleves: The best way to level is with guildleves, that is, even without the guardian's favor, you will earn way more exp and skill points per each kill. For this reason, we wanted to prevent abusive use of leves by killing all the monsters but failing right at the end and then retrying on the spot. However, if you visit the NPC that gave you the leve, you can retry it.
    * There will be hardware mouse support!
    * We believe that the item selection interface should be very responsive, and by release we will have introduced a MUCH improved version. After release we will continue improving this.
    * The FFXIV development team acknowledged that there's issues with the mouse and user interface and apologized about it. Hardware Mouse + UI improvements will be a major focus for them.
    * There will be package discount pricing on the subscription (Japan-3months, NA/EU 3/6 months)
    * Due to game balance consideration, the level cap on release will be 50
    * We will change it so you do not lose disabled abilities when changing class any more. [assume this means they won't leave the ability bar, they will probably just gray]
    * Physical stat distribution will affect both crafting and gathering classes as much as it does everyone else.
    * There aren't any "open world" NMs outside of guildleves.
    * New hairstyles will be added, as well as the ability to change hairstyle in game after you make your character.
    * Crafters will be able to cooperate in large-scale projects (boats, cannons, wedding cakes! YUM) so more fun for you and your company!
    * There will be guildleves where crafters and adventurers have to cooperate.
    * The guildleve issue will be fixed so they cooldown will be significantly decreased from 48 hours.
    * Anima regeneration will have to be raised since you'll have to travel more for more frequent guildleves.
    * The faction leves have you fight different beastman tribes and such.

  • Ich sag es mal so.
    Die Karte brauchst du um nach zu sehen wo sich was befindet.
    z.B Wo ist der Ausgang, wo ist der Waffenhändler, wo ist ....

    Bei der Momentanen Karte hat man seinen KArtenabschnitt.... toll den brauch ich aber nicht... was um mich herum ist, weiss ich auch.
    Ich will schauen was etwas weiter weg ist.

    Dazu würde ich gerne raus zoomen können um ein Gesamtbild von der Situation zu haben.
    Desweiteren ist die Steuerung zwischen Kartenabschnitten einfach gesagt "SCHEIßE!"
    KArtenmenü-->Region-->4-5 Karten von einem Ort die alle gleich heißen.

    So jetzt such du mir bitte mal den Schmied aus Limsa Lominsa.
    Mir wäre da eine intuitive Steuerung mit Maus lieber.

    Also.... klick auf La Noscea in der Karte und die KArte wird vergrößert... Klich dann auch Limsa und die Stadt geht auf... klick auf ... usw.
    Die Steuerung ist einfach grotig und Spielspaß verderbend.

  • Wieso zu spät. Sowas muss zum Release dasein und keine sekunde früher.
    Wenn alle immer denken ne Beta ist ein fertiges Produkt kann man denen auch nicht mehr helfen.
    Und ich verstehe einfach nicht warum ihr immer alles mit der Maus machen wollt.
    Naja jeder hat so seine vorlieben.

  • # ]Balances to enmity in party battle: In beta, they made adjustments to enmity based on magic and abilities, but they have plans for more. These changes, however, will probably take a while to implement. They plan on adjusting the enmity according to contents, equipment, abilities, monsters, and so on. These changes will be made continuously after service begins based on how things are going.
    # Mana Regeneration: In FFXIV, management of your MP use is supposed to be an important part of strategy. They’d also like magic to have explosive power in fewer hits, and not just be used to spam enemies with light damage attacks. To promote this, they’d like to continue to balance the recovery methods used for MP, including the abilities and aetherite, as well as adding new methods later on.
    # Usefulness of Battle Regimen
    Battle regimen serve a double purpose: to expand the strategy of party play, and to reduce the difficulty/rigidness in forming parties. They are not just for doing extra damage, there are lots of various effects. For example:
    # - Phys Resistance Debuff
    # Normal melee attack -> Normal melee attack (ex. slash -> punch [these are basic DoW abilities])
    # - Magic Resistance Debuff
    # Normal melee attack -> Normal magical attack (ex. slash -> spirit dart)
    # - Cast speed down + MP consumption up
    # Normal melee attack -> Magic (ex. slash -> Fire)
    # - TP gain reduction + TP consumption up
    # Normal melee attack -> Weapon skill (ex. Slash -> Red Lotus)
    # - Action aptitude up (Using a different class ability on the current class grants the same effect as when used on the other class)
    # Same class magic -> Magic
    # Same class Weapon skill -> Weapon skill (ex. Trunksplitter -> Brandish)
    # - Damage up
    # Various class WS -> WS -> Magic
    # Various class magic -> Magic -> WS (ex. Blizzard -> Scourge -> Puncture)
    # For example, if it's difficult to continue dealing physical damage, use Phys resistance debuff. If it's a casting monster, use cast time debuff + MP consumption increase etc.
    # Negotiations are another way of obtaining loot (other than battles). By choosing the right conversation subject with a NPC, player can engage in negotiations and receive items in exchange for items wanted by the NPC. If player does exceptionally well, it's possible to get some free stuff as an extra.
    # Ishgard: Ishgard's people have long been at war with man-eating dragons, and thus have not taken on Adventurers. In this city, there are already several quests appearing for the "Dragon Slayers" [faction?] who are at war with the dragons.
    # Guildleves in the Beta: We sincerely apologize to our open beta testers for the client errors that would occur more frequently during guildleves in the beta. In the release version, we are dealing with these diligently.
    # Retainer: Right now, when you buy something from a retainer, there is an unnecessarily long delay. On release, we plan to make this a lot more smooth. We would like to make improvements to make commerce even easier for everyone.
    # Relationship Crafting/Gathering & PC Status: PC's physical level & attributes will have an effect on crafting and gathering. There are hints in the game as to what does what, so please search for it.
    # Crafting
    # Physical: Closely related to the tool being used and will particularly affect quality
    # Attributes: related to "Godsend" [I think these are the extra result/HQ result] probability & "attribute stability" [?]
    # Gathering
    # Physical: Affects difficulty in obtaining items in the "gather" phase as well as the number of items obtained
    # [translator note].. this is a literal translation of "physical" and "attribute" I wasn't sure here if they're talking about skill level or what, but judging from the use of katakana for Physical, I must assume it means physical level, even though that sounds odd to have an effect here.
    # Market: We don't want crafters and gatherers to simply "put up" their items on the market and that's it. We want them to also act as salesmen and learn to play the market intelligently. For this purpose, we will begin with focus on the Bazaar market system. On that note, in order to be able to tell "What's for sale?" etc, we are planning to adjust policy and add functionality to improve the user friendliness.

    # Notorious Monsters
    Soon, there will be NM's even in the world of FFXIV. These will look very different from most of the other normal monsters. We're planning to introduce NM's that are so huge they make a Malboro look small. The tranquil era is about to end! We're going to torment adventurers with these powered up, aesthetically varied NM's which we've prepared "episodes" for.
    # Damaging monster body parts:
    There are monsters which have different body parts that can be damaged. Using a specific weapon skill while standing in a specified position can lead to cutting a monster's body part off. For example, you can cut Malboro's vines or a horn/tail if the enemy has one. In addition to changing the monster's appearance, those actions can have the following effects:
    - Weakening the monster
    - Preventing monsters from using specific skills
    - Acquiring materials from cut/damaged body parts

  • LOVELY!!!!!! das einzige was mich jetzt noch fehlt ist die verbesserung des gruppenspiels und die kamera auf den pfeiltasten, dann bin ich mehr als zufrieden. freu mich auf den 22ten

  • Das klingt wirklich mehr als super :) Ich denke der eine oder andere, der seine CE gecancelt hat ärgert sich jetzt. Aber schön zu hören das SE doch ein Ohr für die Spieler hat und noch so viele gute Änderungen für das Hauptspiel aufnimmt. Besonders mit den Freibriefen freut mich und den neuen Frisuren !

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Achso...und WIESO muss Europa 6 Monate im Vorraus kaufen und USA und Japan können sich mit nur 3 Monaten begnügen und bekommen schon einen Rabatt? Mal abgesehen davon, dass wir in Euro bezahlen dürfen und das um das 1,3 fache teurer ist als USA...

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Ich spiel leider momentan auch mit der maus.
    Gewohnheit würde ich sagen... nur Tastatur können wohl nur FF11 Spieler spielen.

    Naja so schwer ist die Umgewöhnung nicht ^^ nach den ersten Spielstunden geht es dann recht einfach nur mit der Tastatur zu spielen. :)

    Damaging monster body parts:
    There are monsters which have different body parts that can be damaged. Using a specific weapon skill while standing in a specified position can lead to cutting a monster's body part off. For example, you can cut Malboro's vines or a horn/tail if the enemy has one. In addition to changing the monster's appearance, those actions can have the following effects:
    - Weakening the monster
    - Preventing monsters from using specific skills
    - Acquiring materials from cut/damaged body parts

    Ein Punkt der mir sehr zusagt. ^^

  • Gerade UI und Inventory Änderung sagen mir sehr zu. ICh freue mich über diese Veränderungen, natürlich auch die Tatsache das mal Guildleves retryen kann... Sehr gut, 2-3 extreme Nervfaktoren sollten damit beseitigt sein. =)

  • Ich weiß gar nicht, was mir mehr gefällt! ^^

    Abgesehen von den vielen UI Änderungen und NMs, sowie abhackbare Monsterteile (@.@), haben es mir die Frisuren angetan! :D Habe mich im Betaforum oft genug darüber beschwert! ^^'

    4 sind für einen Lalafell auch einfach zu wenig!

  • Hatte irgendwie gehofft, dass sie die Kampfanimatoinen der Gegner noch nen bissl aktiver gestalten würden, da ich teilweise immer son bissl denk "greift das vieh mich eigentlich an, oder lässt sich das nu einfach so abstechen?" ^^
    Auch wär es schön, wenn sie in die Berge und Landschaften noch einige Tiefen und Höhen reinbringen würden. Die Textur die drüber gelegt wurde sieht ja genial aus, aber wenn man dann davor steht, oder drauf, und dann merkt hey, dass ist ja einfach nur ne glatte Oberfläche, dann ists irgendwie nicht mehr gaaanz so schön ;)